Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I'm 42 and she's going on 18. We're in love and about to go legit in months. Need advice on the age diffrence.

if you had a daughter at 24 she could be 18 now.I'm 42 and she's going on 18. We're in love and about to go legit in months. Need advice on the age diffrence.
u know from just readin that i got a brain tumor but if u love ghim go ahead

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I'm 42 and she's going on 18. We're in love and about to go legit in months. Need advice on the age diffrence.
waw i am sorry but she can be your daughter i know people say love doesnt have any boundaries but this kind does... u might be happy now but what happens when u hit the 50's and she'll be in her 20's???

and i might be wrong but it looks like u r taking advantage of her... she is so young i dont think she has seen much of the world...

dont forget whatever u do its your responsibility can u live with that?

There is no relation between heart and mind. If u'd take any decision with the use of yr. mind u definitely will take right decision so far as yr social image, family and yr soul is concerned. If u'd take any decision while hearing the voice of yr heart u definitely will take wrong %26amp; fulish decision like this u have taken.

U definitely will suffer in future as the gape in age is too much. U r a matured man %26amp; yr thinking has become matured as compared to yr expected soulmate who is a teanager. U can imagine the level of yr soulmate's maturity whose mind is still growing.

Only beautiness %26amp; physical figure is not sufficient in life. She can not use too much of her mind %26amp; will depend upon u 4 each %26amp; every small decision, which ultimately will put u into the trouble. My sincere suggestion is to avoid this relationship.
U might not think it now, what happens when you are 52 and then 62 and then if you make it too 72. Do the math. You will not able to keep up. Your are just proud that you can get a girl that young. However It will get boring, when you say remember, this,or that. You are as old, or older than her father. Just keep it, like it is. Until she get into the 20's. Sex may be good now. Start using your brain, instead. I'm with someone 15 years older. Things change sometimes really fast.Your almost double that.
How can a 42 year old be in love with a 17 year old? what is there in common between somebody supposedly mature and a teenager?! How can you call it 'love'?
The age factor will matter. U may live happily for 2-3 more years and after that she may find you ';no more attractive and able';. Also you may not be able to satify het orgasm efficiently.

So I believe this story eventually will have a very PAINFUL END for both of you.

So you should understand this and let her go.

U need to think this through properly. While sh is still young enough to live her life do you really want her to be ur nurse instead of your lover.
It's going to be tough. You're the one who will have to show the most flexibility and mind-openness.

You will have to teach her what a grown-up life is and int he mean time not be pontifying. Be patience and aware that you have different cultures, probably more different than between two persons of the same generation but coming from different countries.
yes you need advice - but probably not from'd have to talk about it to some doctor for some time....
that situation is VERY hit or miss. I would say to truly picture and prepare for every possible scenario.

you've already ran them all in your mind...but go through them again... imagining that it is for real and figure out your next move for each. Write it all down if you have to. I really think that that will help to have your own guideline to look back on when any opposition arises.
you have considered the age difference and have decided that it makes no difference to you both by the content of your question, you dont meed our advice or approval, if you are both happy then get on with it
She is young enough to be your child. That is so nasty! I don't think you'll last more than 10 years, if that. What 28 year old woman wants a 52 year old man? You need to ackowledge your own age, and she needs to quit hunting for a father figure. She'll want to enjoy her 20's and you'll be grumping about being out past 10 and aching joints. Ewww! ewww! yuck!
who cares? You'r both adults

exploitation of minors
watch the movie '; An Automn in Newyork ';

U will get ur answer,.....
love has no age bars, if ur really in love go ahead, but u need to answer first that are u married or single.
U should think abt future,not enjoy the moment,if u love her u should let her go... in 30 years she will be 48 and u will be 72... she will still be full of energy and u? anyway think twice before u will do any move.Good luck
The thing with big age gaps is that both people must see the other as their equal. Many of these relationships are unable to last because one sees the other as a parental or teacher figure, and then as is natural they grow away from needing a person like that.
You've broken the mold as far as dating norms -

you've exceeded the standards of social acceptance and comfort -

and now you're looking for advice what...make it right??

basically, what you have in common is either...fantastic sex

- for now...because you are aging and it doesn't get any easier.

And a sense of father / daughter connectivity.

Which is fine until she turns 30 and you're 54 surviving your mid life crisis and thinking of retirement and holding out until then.

She will be wildly angry at you and not know that was she is feeling is called ';emotional rape';.

The end result is: she divorces you.

You're left old, half an income, and without a companion...

and probably no true friends.

She moves on to recover and develop a mature relationship that is satisfying to her new mature self.
have you ever heard of the rule.... 1/2 +7 = max age difference, YOU FAIL.
she is old enough to be your daughter. you need to come to your senses before its too late. it may so happen that she may find a younger and better person in the course of time and you may be left alone. just think over it. she is still a kid. will you be able to keep in pace with her youth. the answer is no. even if you get married what guarantee is there that she wont cheat. you need a companion who is closer to your age and also mature enough to understand you. all the best.
I personally don't think age matters. There is a hell of an age gap there but considering she is only ';turning 18'; then that means you were not legal the entire time of the relationship. I'd be more concerned about that then the gap!
let's say you or she wants children...they grow up and you need to go to their operettas, sporting events etc. yes, people WILL ask you if you are their grandfather.

Further, why can't you find someone your own age. That is precisely where you need to look.

What is it about you intellectually, that women your age do not find attractive?

And also, an 18-year old is still a child, legal yes, but a child in mind set. Come on. Leave well enough alone. I'd let her be with her own agemates, era-wise et al.

She may be looking for a sugar daddy, and there must be some serious lack of male presence in her very young life thus far...

Good luck in whatever you choose to do!
Ok. So, let's face it. You're both in love and most people would say, age doesn't matter. However. . . . both of you need to ask yourselves, i.e.: am i prepared?; am i doing the right thing?; what about my /his/her preferences/priorities?; and etc., etc. etc. If you have answered all those questions and are satisfied and happy about it, then DO THE RIGHT THING. :)
Both of you are legally adult.

And love is without any boundaries.

Still keep in mind that you would be aging very quickly and she would be demanding more and more sex after 10 years.
Two words.... ANNA NICOLE! Ha ha ha!

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